Golden Years of the Weimar Republic

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  • Golden Years of the Weimar Republic
    • Cartels - Group of companies in the same industry - combine together to fix prices and protect profits.
    • Tariff - Taxes paid on goods entering a country. makes foreign goods more expensive.
    • Economic Armistice - temporary agreement to suspend action, in this case suspend reparations
      • Stresemann saw the Dawes Plan as an economic armistice
    • Economic Development 1924 - 1929
      • Reparation Issue
        • Stabilisation of Germany's economy was dependent on settling the reparations issue.
        • Dawes Plan confirmed the original sum of £6.6 billion, but it made the payments more manageable. The amount payed each year would be reduced until 1929.
          • Germany should also receive a loan of 800 million marks from USA to help.
            • In organising the Dawes plan, the Allies accepted that Germany's problems were real.
          • Dawes Plan was only temporary and the issue of Allied forces meant that Stresemann had to ask for the issue to be reconsidered in 1929.
            • The Young Plan obliged Germany to continue paying reparations until 1988, but the bill was reduced.
        • Nationalist opposition (DNVP/Nazis) attacked the political compromise as they believed Germany should simply refuse to pay reparations.
          • However, Germany and the Allies agreed in July 1924 and the French gradually withdrew from the Ruhr.
          • Nationalist groups drew up a freedom law - required an end to war guilt and anyone who signed the treaty to be charge with treason.
            • 13.8% of the electorate agreed with it, indicating the depth of support for right wing nationalism.


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