Georgiana Reed

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  • Georgianan Reed
    • 'a beauty'
    • 'I dote on Miss Georgiana'
    • 'little darling'
    • 'long curls and her blue eyes, and such a sweet colour'
    • 'hair elaborately ringletted'
    • 'very plump'
    • 'fair as waxwork'
    • 'handosme'
    • 'ringletted yellow hair'
    • 'vein and absurd'
    • 'her mind seemed wholly taken up with past reminiscences of past gaiety'
    • 'stylish'
    • doesn't acknowledge her mothers illness showing her naivety
    • 'semi-sarcastic attentions of the other'
    • seems very materialistic and invested in her own beauty
    • 'Georgiana, for it is she who lies'


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