Main Characters in Jane Eyre

  • Created by: Elmo
  • Created on: 09-05-16 13:27
  • Jane Eyre  Main protagonist
  • John Reed Jane's cousin
  • Mrs Reed Jane's Aunt
  • Bessie Maid at Gateshead
  • Abbott Servant at Gateshead
  • Eliza Reed Jane's Cousin
  • Georgiana Reed Jane's Cousin
  • Mr Reed Jane's dead Uncle (mother's side)
  • Mr Lloyd The Apothecary
  • Mr Brocklehurst Parson and overseer of Lowood
  • Miss Maria Temple Headmistress at Lowood
  • Miss Scatcherd Teacher at Lowood who is particularly cruel to Helen
  • Helen Burns Jane's friend at Lowood who dies from TB (consumption)
  • Mrs Fairfax


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