Gender Bias

  • Created by: BenFudge
  • Created on: 14-09-17 08:53
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  • Gender Bias
    • Androcentrism
      • This is the centred focus on men, often the neglect or exclusion of women
    • Alpha Bias
      • A tendency to exaggerate differences between men and women. the consequence is that theories devalue one gender in comparison to the other
      • Example from Freud: He believed that men were superior over women. In his alpha-bias theory, Freud viewed femininity as failed masculinity.
        • He believed that women are inferior to men, because they are jealous of men's penises (penis envy), and because they cannot undergo the same Oedipus complex as boys do.
          • As the superego develops from the Oedipus complex, women have a weaker identification with their mother.
    • Beta Bias
      • A tendency to ignore or minimise the differences between men and women. Believed that both genders are equal.
      • Example from stress research: The flight or fight response - It was believed that what was true for males was true for females too. In stressful situation the flight or fight response was assumed to be universal.
        • However, Taylor (2000) provided evidence that females produce a tend or befriend response at times of stress which is adaptive because it ensure the survival of their offspring.
    • Universality
      • The aim to develop theories that apply to all people, which may include real differences
    • Evaluation
      • Reverse Alpha Bias
        • P - One way to counter androcentrism is to develop theories which show the differences between men and women but that emphasises the value of women
          • E - This can be seen in feminist research.
            • E - Research shows that women are better at learning because they are more attentive, flexible and organised (Cornwell et al. 2013).
              • L - Therefore, this can prevent stereotypes from real life situations. For example, women are usually paid less, so this could overcome this flaw.
      • Avoiding Beta Bias
        • P - Beta bias can have some problems for women.
          • E - Hare-Mustin and Marecek point out that arguing for eqaulity draws attention away from women's needs and the differences in power between both genders.
            • E - In a society where one group holds most power, ignoring the bias can end up benefiting the groups with the power. For example, men have more dominance in the workplace.
              • L - Therefore, by avoiding a beta bias, women may not be benefited and gender bias may carry on, rather than be prevented.


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