Further research on conformity

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 12-09-20 16:38
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  • Futher research for conformity
    • Furman and Duke (1988)
      • How does lack of confidence change conformity?
        • The students either majoring in music or another subject.
          • They were asked to listen to two pieces of music and state their preferences, individually then aloud
            • The music majors didn't change their preference when it was said aloud but the non-music majors preferences were significant affected by the others preferences
    • Eagly and Carly (1981)
      • Carried out a meta-analysis to examine whether the popular idea that women are more conforming than men
        • They found that women are more likely to conform than men, the size difference was very small
          • They also found that people conform more in groups than they would one to one. In other words, women are more likely to comply with and group opinion
    • Perrin and Spencer (1980)
      • Suggested that Asch's study was 'a child of its time'
        • They carried out the exact replica of Asch's study with engineering, maths and chemistry students.
          • They found that only 1 out of 396 trials did a participant join the majority
            • They argue that cultural changes have taken place. However, the study could have also been affected by the type of students they chose
              • Engineering, maths and chemistry students may have been more confident in performing the task due to the nature of their studys
    • Smith and Bond (1998)
      • How does culture affect the rate of conformity?
        • The average conformity rate of collectivist countries was 37% as in collectivist countries, they are socialised to value the collective goals of the group
          • Whereas, in individualist countries had a much lower rate of 25%. In individualistic countries, there is and empasis on person achievement and independance


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