Functions of the Skeletal System

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  • Functions of the Skeletal System
    • Shape and Support
      • Your skeleton provides a frame for your body and therefore supports you.
        • For example, it enables you to balance when performing a handstand.
    • Protection
      • Your skeleton provides protection for your vital organs, including the heart.
        • For example, your skull protects your brain if an opponent follows through wildly with their hockey stick and it hits you in the head during the game.
    • Aid Movement
      • The bones provide a place for the muscles to attach to, so that when the muscle contract they pull the bones to cause movement. Movement occurs at the joints of the skeleton.
      • Bones also act as levers. Levers allow the body to increase the force they generate or increase the speed of the movement. This is very helpful in physical activity.
        • For example , a tennis player with longer levers will generate more force on a serve.
      • The skeleton can only be said to aid movement. For movement to occur you need the skeleton, the ligaments (which connect bone to bone) and the tendons (which attach muscle to bone)
    • Blood Production
      • Blood is produced in bone marrow found inside bones, especially long bones.
        • This is important since red blood cells transport oxygen
          • The more red blood cells a sport performer has the more efficiently they can transport oxygen
            • For example a long distance runner with an ample amount of red blood cells can run for longer without fatiguing.


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