
  • Created by: ishah
  • Created on: 16-01-14 15:28
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  • Functionalism
    • Weber - importance - structure
    • 4 needs of society
      • adaption
        • standards of life
      • goal attainment
        • dec' making
      • integration
        • social harmony
      • latency
        • indiv beliefs
          • pattern maintenance
          • tension managment
    • pattern variables
      • society - fulfil functions
    • 5 cultural choices
      • affectivity neutrality
        • how well you know people
      • specificity/diffuseness
        • links
      • universalism
        • rules apply to all
      • quality/performance
        • how people treated
      • self orientation
        • importance of indivs
    • merton57'
      • institutions - can be dysfunctional
    • Arrock et al03'
      • ppl have diff values in soc'
      • cant explain social change
      • human puppets


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