Freewill and Determinism - Predicted Question 

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  • Critically EVALUATE Theological Determinism
    • Key thinkers: THEOLOGICAL D'S
      • ST PAUL
        • Humans have the freewill to act how they wish in life but their final destination (salvation or not) is already determined by God, and cannot be changed by any certain behaviour in Life.
        • believed in Predestination
        • Human Will is the result of the fall and human's should leave a 'god-fearing' life, even though they cannot escape the inevitable
      • CALVIN
        • Greatly influenced by Both Augustine and St Paul
        • Humans fate has been determined by God and this cannot be escaped.
          • However, Gods will to do this should not be questioned
            • Meaning we should not question God's attributes.
    • Liberationists
        • R Taylor
          • '“I deliberate in order to decide what to do, not to discover what it is that I am going to do."
        • Rob Cook
          • Fundamental to being rational beings (being able to use reason) is the freedom of thought, so then Determinism renders itself irrelevant
    • Philosophical Determinists
        • John Locke
          • Man Locked in a room analogy
        • David Hume
          • We can observe patterns of behaviour in the earth, which can be an argument for determinism
        • Spinoza
          • the mind is determined by infinite causes so there is no freewill
    • it is important to note that there are different types of Determinists. Theological and Philosophical
    • Psychological Determinism
      • Key thinkers
        • Pavlov
          • Pavlovs Dogs: causes of determined acts can be taught.
        • Skinner
          • Social Conditioning and Stimuli
    • Soft Compatibilism
      • TWO CAUSES
        • Internal: wishes or desires
        • External: forced to by others
      • where is the room for GOD in this view?
    • Scientific Determinism
      • Key thinkers
        • Isaac Newton
          • Cause and Effect
        • Laplace
          • Casual Determinism
          • the state of the universe at any one time determines the state of the universe at all other times
            • the theory then means that we can PREDICT future events


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