Philosophy- Core- Free Will vs. Determinism

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  • Free Will vs. Determinism vs. Fate
    • Fate
      • Something/one has decided that your life will go in a particular way and its impossible for you to take a different course
    • Determinism
      • A science related theory that every action is the inevitable consequence of laws and cause and effect
      • Hard Determinism
        • future is entirely set and its impossible to act in a different way.
        • people cannot be blamed or punished for their actions
      • Soft Determinism
        • we cannot be blamed for actions caused by an external force, but we can take responsibility for those which are a result of internal causes
    • Behaviourism
      • Determinism
        • A science related theory that every action is the inevitable consequence of laws and cause and effect
        • Hard Determinism
          • future is entirely set and its impossible to act in a different way.
          • people cannot be blamed or punished for their actions
        • Soft Determinism
          • we cannot be blamed for actions caused by an external force, but we can take responsibility for those which are a result of internal causes
      • Explains behaviour in humans in term of stimulus-response conditioning
        • Pavlov dog experiement can be used as evidence
      • The environment/ nature determines our behaviour
        • Watson
          • claimed given the right environment you could control the subsequent path in a babies life
        • Skinner
          • Any form of behaviour could be brought about by training using positive or negetive methods, e.g. punishment and rewards.
          • All human behaviour can be explained by conditioning
          • Casual method of behaviour- causes and prior conditions make things happen and explain the action
            • Explains behaviour in humans in term of stimulus-response conditioning
              • Pavlov dog experiement can be used as evidence
    • Free will
    • Existentialism
      • Free will
      • Human experience is unique and isolated
      • we have a metaphysical freedom- beyond a non-physical freedom
        • freedom to choose
        • there are limits to a physical freedom, e.g. teleportation
      • Sarte
        • Animals are just part of a chain of cause and effect, humans however havw the ability to initiate events
          • We have not fundamental nature that makes our behaviour predicatable, thus we are free
          • For humans existence precedes essence- we are self-conscious and can always choose how we act
            • we have the ability to imagine ourselves different. we can annihilate our desires or go against them if we wish
        • There are no absolute values and we are always free to reject any
        • 'Man is condemed to be free'
          • We have no nature, afterlife or divine being to explain our nature so we are free to have an take responsibility for our own actions
        • Individualistic View- we adopt the expectations of society and hence are living an inauthentic life
        • others take our freedom as we take it from them. living in society we adopt other values and lose sight of our own- living in bad faith
    • Facticity
      • agrees there are aspects of a human which you have no choice over- your facticity- e.g. you cannot fly
      • there are things you cannot change but you are still free to act and do as you want
        • you can reject the expecations of society if you wish
        • you always have a choice in life and to deny that is to deny your basic freedom
    • Bad faith and Inathenticity
      • Facticity
        • agrees there are aspects of a human which you have no choice over- your facticity- e.g. you cannot fly
        • there are things you cannot change but you are still free to act and do as you want
          • you can reject the expecations of society if you wish
          • you always have a choice in life and to deny that is to deny your basic freedom
      • the future is always a matter of choice
        • Being authentic means being in charge of your own life, choices and the outcome of these
        • Bad faith means denying your freedom or your facticity- e.g. a homosexual man pretending he isn't


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