Elizabeth I - Foreign Policy - France - 1570 - 1585

  • Created by: Harry
  • Created on: 28-05-13 14:28
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  • France
    • Historiography
      • John Guy:  Elizabeth's policy was an attempt to counter-balance deteriorating relations with Spain
        • 1581 - Elizabeth sent Walsingham to Henry III offering a n anglo-french alliance, even if it meant a French invasion of the Netherlands
          • Here is evidence that Elizabeth was basing her foreign policy more around security than prestige, as she abandoned one of her primary objectives
          • Henry III demanded that marriage between Elizabeth and his younger brother, the Duke of Anjou and Alençon, be part of the agreement
            • The alliance is not formed
            • 1584 - The Spanish sign the treaty of Joinville, allying themselves to the French Catholic league thereby seriously knocking the level of international protestantism
              • France
                • Historiography
                  • John Guy:  Elizabeth's policy was an attempt to counter-balance deteriorating relations with Spain
                    • 1581 - Elizabeth sent Walsingham to Henry III offering a n anglo-french alliance, even if it meant a French invasion of the Netherlands
                      • Here is evidence that Elizabeth was basing her foreign policy more around security than prestige, as she abandoned one of her primary objectives
                      • Henry III demanded that marriage between Elizabeth and his younger brother, the Duke of Anjou and Alençon, be part of the agreement
                        • The alliance is not formed
                        • 1584 - The Spanish sign the treaty of Joinville, allying themselves to the French Catholic league thereby seriously knocking the level of international protestantism
                      • 1572 - Treaty of Blois created a defensive agreement between France and England in order to protect against Spanish aggression
                        • 1572 - St Bartholomew's day massacre saw thousands of Huguenots murdered, severely damaging Anglo-French relations
                          • However, the Spanish threat forced the English to maintain good relations with France
                            • Elizabeth wanted to be ally to both the French crown and to the Huguenots
                              • Contemplating marriage to the Duke of Alençon and Anjou
                              • Sent arms to the Huguenots and allowed them to acquire English ships
                              • 1574 - Renewal of the Treaty of Blois after the accession of Henry III to the French Throne
                                • Rather than continuing to renew the Treaty of Blois, Elizabeth began to seriously contemplate marriage to Anjou
                                  • This was unpopular with both the Privy Council, who didn't trust Anjou, and the public masses.
                                    • Stubbs released a pamphlet that warned against England being 'swallowed by another French marriage'
                                      • Elizabeth was faced with too much public opposition to the marriage and therefore stopped negotiations
                                        • Now the marriage had been called off, Elizabeth saw the need for a formal Anglo-French alliance
                                      • Elizabeth was faced with too much public opposition to the marriage and therefore stopped negotiations
                                        • Now the marriage had been called off, Elizabeth saw the need for a formal Anglo-French alliance
                      • Over the 1570s, Elizabeth maintained two main aims with regards to Anglo-French relations:
                        • To build a defensive relationship in order to minimise the threat from Spain
                        • To encourage the French to support the Dutch rebels to an extent  that didn't merit a full scale invasion of the Netherlands
                        • 1572 - Treaty of Blois created a defensive agreement between France and England in order to protect against Spanish aggression
                          • 1572 - St Bartholomew's day massacre saw thousands of Huguenots murdered, severely damaging Anglo-French relations
                            • However, the Spanish threat forced the English to maintain good relations with France
                              • Elizabeth wanted to be ally to both the French crown and to the Huguenots
                                • Contemplating marriage to the Duke of Alençon and Anjou
                                • Sent arms to the Huguenots and allowed them to acquire English ships
                                • 1574 - Renewal of the Treaty of Blois after the accession of Henry III to the French Throne
                                  • Rather than continuing to renew the Treaty of Blois, Elizabeth began to seriously contemplate marriage to Anjou
                                    • This was unpopular with both the Privy Council, who didn't trust Anjou, and the public masses.
                                      • Stubbs released a pamphlet that warned against England being 'swallowed by another French marriage'
            • Over the 1570s, Elizabeth maintained two main aims with regards to Anglo-French relations:
              • To build a defensive relationship in order to minimise the threat from Spain
              • To encourage the French to support the Dutch rebels to an extent  that didn't merit a full scale invasion of the Netherlands


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