Features of Mozart Classical music

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  • Features of Mozart classical music
    • Sonority and timbre
      • Piano came in and replaced the Harpsichord
        • Alberti bass was used in the piano
      • Orchestra increased in size, as more instruments were introduced like the Oboe
    • Harmony
      • perfect cadences
      • chords in root position
      • clear chords such as chords I, IV and V
      • Functional harmony
    • Tonality
      • They modulate to related and clear keys like:
        • The relative major
        • The relative minor
        • The dominant
    • Texture
      • Mostly homophonic
      • melody- dominated homophony
    • Tempo, rhythm and metre
      • even pulse
    • melody
      • Not much ornamentation
        • This is because this would have obstructed from the clarity of the melody line.
      • More contrasting dynamics
        • This shows contrasting moods
    • Structure
      • Variety and balance
      • clear, even phrases
      • The recitative and aria section where introduced.


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