Epidemiological Transition

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  • Epidemiologial Transition
    • Created by Abdel Omran - suggested that the process of socio-economic development accounts for a transition over time - from infectious disease to chronic and degenerative diseases as the most important causes of death.
    • The transition occurs as a country undergoes the process from developing to developed.
      • Explained by advances in medical technology, disease prevention and sickness therapy and treatment
    • This transition has three stages:
      • The age of pestilence and famine; Mortality is high and fluctuates, this prevents sustained population growth, low and variable life expectancy between 20 and 40, cyclical low growth patterns area associated with - wars, famine, epidemics.
      • The age of receding pandemics: rate of mortality declines as disease epidemics occur less frequently. average life expectancy increases and population growth is sustained and begins to rise. this phase is associated with advances in medicine and dev of health care systems. I.e. breakthrough of penicillin 1900s
      • The age of degenerative and man-made diseases: mortality continues t decline and eventually approaches stability at a relatively low level, major cause of deaths now is non-communicable degenerative diseases. Ave life expectancy is now 50+fertility becomes a more important factor to population growth
      • fourth stage added in 80s: The age of delayed degenerative diseases - declining death rates are concentrated at advanced ages - 70/80 - cause of mortality is the same as the third stage but distribution is delayed until older ages because of new treatments and prevention


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