English paper questions year 8

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  • English paper questions
    • persuasive writing
      • Step 1: read the question
        • Step 2: underline key words- GAP
          • Step 3: plan 3-4 paragraphs
            • Step 4: If a newspaper write a headline, if a letter write an address
              • Step 5: write engaging sentence using AFOREST. If a newspaper address the audience, if a letter write a greeting.
                • Step 6: write a response using plan
                  • Step 7: close in an engaging way using AFOREST
    • Compariso-n question
      • Step 1: read through text and question
        • Step 2: pick out quotes from both texts and use inferences.
          • Step 3: first paragraph is basic compariso-n, write two or three more paragraphs using PEE, inferences and quotes to compare
    • True or False questions
      • Step 1: read carefully through text/s
        • Step 2: look at each statement nad look through texts again to find answer
    • analysis of  language question
      • Step 1: Read through the text
        • Step 2: consider; what the text is about, the main themes/ ideas and significant phrases, words and quotes.
          • Step 3: using the quotes write 2-3 PEEDA paragraphs considerin-g the question.
            • E.g: How does the writer use language to show danger in the text? You would use words and phrases in PEEDA paragraphs to show how.


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