Effect of WW2 on Stalin, Government and the people

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  • Effect of WW2
    • Government
      • Politically
        • Triumph
        • Contribute to making the Soviet govt 'popular nationalist'
      • Reduce need for authoritarian gov?
        • Stalin 66
        • Victory = victory for system, not the people
        • Stalin still Head of Govt + Party secretary
          • Chose same men to serve in Politburo e.g. Moltov + Mikoyan
    • People
      • Able to go to church
      • Sense of collective endeavour (similar to 5YP)
        • Comradeship
          • Liberal thinking
          • Movement fo liberalisation
      • Open to Western influence
        • Hollywood, books, music + goods
        • Hope USSR emerge a more open society
        • No possible in isolationist "20s + "30s
    • Stalin
      • National hero
        • Doubts of leadership removed
        • Reputation soared
        • Painting portrayed him as great leader
      • Grew more paranoid
        • Suspicions of real/fake enemies grew
        • Regarded POW tainted with Western values
          • Many transferred to soviet labour camps
        • Collaborationists
          • Cossacks wiped out
          • Made to suffer
          • NKVD
            • Filtration camps
              • Potentially subversive views = sent to Gulags
              • 'goof' war record = education + rapid promotion


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