HSC10 - Ultrasound Scan

  • Created by: caitdan
  • Created on: 04-01-16 00:15
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  • Ultrasound Scan
    • Soundwaves
      • Images of organs + structures
    • No radiation
      • Painless
      • Harmless
    • Early stages - drink water 1hr before
      • Clearer picture
      • Acts as canvas
    • Transducer
      • Soundwaves into tummy
        • Picture of baby
    • 2 opportunities in pregnancy
      • 12 weeks - dating
      • 20 weeks - structure (no abnormalties)
    • Tomographer
      • Lay on couch
      • Gel on tummy
      • Slide transducer over
      • Soundwaves in ->
        • Identify parts of baby, age
    • 15 - 45 minutes


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