Food HSC07

  • Created by: BeeWallis
  • Created on: 07-02-18 13:10
What are the five minerals?
Iron, calcuim, Phosphorus, iodine, zinc
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What are the main vitamins?
fat soluble A, D, E, K. Water soluble B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Folic acid), B12 (cobalamin) and C (Ascorbic acid).
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What are maronutrients?
nutrients that are needed in relatively large quantities. These include fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
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What are the different forms of carbohydrates?
Starch, non-strach polysaccharide and sugars
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Simple, easily broken down, high glycaemix index and have a short lived effect
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More complex and take longer for the body to digest. Foods have a low GI effect is mainted for longer.
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Non-starch polysaccharides
Not digested, are a form of fibre help with digestion and have a role in lowering cholestrol
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Function of carbohydrates
Broken down into glucose for energy. Can be stored in the body as glycogen.
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Sources of starches
high levels of starches include bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and breakfast cereals.
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Sources of sugar
chocolate, honey, syrup, jam, cakes and biscuits
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Sources of NSP
bran products, peas, beans, coconuts and apricots.
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How does the body use carbohydrates?
digestion of carbohydrate, results in glucose being absorbed into the blood stream, glucose is stored as glycogen, long chains of glucose molecules,stored in the liver and muscle cells the glucose will combine with oxygen
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Different types of fats?
saturated, mono-unsaturated, polyunsaturated
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Function of fats?
energy sources, insulation, use in protective layers
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Sources of saturated fats?
fat on meat, butter, lard, whole milk and cheese
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Sources unsaturated fats?
◦Monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in oils, such as olive oils and ground nut oil, and soft margarine. They are useful for building cell membranes in the body.
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Risk of too much saturated fat?
Increase the amount of cholesterol in our blood increasing heart disease risk and stroke.
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Types of cholestrol
HDL and LDL. LDL can build up in blood vessels and causing them to narrow increasing clot risk leading to heart attack or strokes. HDL retrices LDL cholestrol from body and carrying to liver so it doesnt build up
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Sources of protein
meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, beans, peas
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Function of protein?
Broken down into amino acrids. Build,growth, Maintain, Repair, Body tissue. proteins in the muscles enable us to move when the muscle fibres contract and relax, Enzymes and hormones are proteins
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Function of iron
to help make red blood cells, helps immune system to work and brain to function
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Sources of iron
red meat, beans and pulses
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Requirements of iron
Daily requirement (mg): 10
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Defincency of iron
anaemia, tiredness, reduced resistance to infection
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Function of Calcuim
Causes rickets, weakened bones, especially in the legs/spine, Low bone densit, causes osteoporosis in females, Impairment of muscles
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Function of phosphorus
build strong bones and teeth and help in release of energy from food
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Function of iodine
Make thyroid hormones and help the brain function
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Function of zinc
Aid normal mental skills, maintain normal hair, skin and nails. Helps in the normal healing of wounds and immune system,
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Sources of calcuim
Bread, Milk, Cheese, Greek Yoghurt, Soya Beans,Tofu, Nuts.
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Sources of phosphorus
red meat, poultry, fish
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Sources of iodine
Milk, yogurt, shellfish
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Sources of zinc
Meat, pulses, eggs, cheese
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Requirements calcuim
◦Daily requirement (mg): 800
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Requirements of phosphorus
◦Daily requirement (mg): 800
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Requirements iodine
◦Daily requirement (mg): 0.15
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Requirements zinc
◦Daily requirement (mg): 13
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Defincency calcium
, rickets, muscle weakness, cramps
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Defincency phosphorus
deficiency very rare, restricted bone growth, muscle weakness
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Defincency of iodine
goitre, hypothyroidism
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Defincency zinc
weak immune system, poor wound healing, failure to grow, skin inflammation
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Function of Vitamin A (fat soluble)
maintains skin health, aids night vision, helps immune system aids bone development
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Function of Vitamin D (fat soluble)
help absorbtion of calcuium so promotes growth of bones and teeth
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Function of Vitamin E (fat soluble)
protect cells in body from damage
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Function of vitamin K (fat soluble)
help in the clotting of blood
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requirements of Vitamin A (fat soluble)
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requirements of Vitamin D (fat soluble)
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requirements of Vitamin E (fat soluble)
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requirements of vitamin K (fat soluble)
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Sources of vitamin K
cabbage, broccolli, spinach, eggs, pork, bacteria in the intestines
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sources of Vitamin E (fat soluble)
vegetable oils, nuts, whole grain foods
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Soucres of of Vitamin D (fat soluble)
fish oils, vitamin-fortified processed foods (e.g. margarine), sunlight on skin
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Sources of Vitamin A (fat soluble)
liver, milk, cheese, eggs, carrots
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Defincency of Vitamin A (fat soluble)
develop vision problems, poor immune systenm, fatigue, dry skin, dry hair and itching
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Defincency of Vitamin D (fat soluble)
difficulty thinking, bone pain, frequent bone fractures, muscle weakness, soft bones may result in deformities
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Defincency of Vitamin E (fat soluble)
liver disease, lack of coordination of muscle movements, muscle weakness, vision problems
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Defincency of vitamin K
gum bleeding, nose bleeding, easy brusing, bleeding within digestive tract and blood in unrine
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function •Vitamin B₁ (Thiamine)
involved in enzyme action to release energy from carbohydrates, aids nervous system functions
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requirement Vitamin B₁ (Thiamine)
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definceny Vitamin B₁ (Thiamine)
headache, nausea, fatigue, irritability, depression and abdominal discomfort
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souces Vitamin B₁ (Thiamine)
liver, kidney, eggs, yeast, wholegrain food
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Function •Vitamin B₂ (Riboflavin)
involved in enzyme action to release energy from carbohydrates and fats and nervous system
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Requirement•Vitamin B₂ (Riboflavin)
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Sources•Vitamin B₂ (Riboflavin)
milk, dairy products, meat, leaf vegetables
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Deficiencies •Vitamin B₂ (Riboflavin)
blood shot eyes, sore tounge and lipsm infection in mouth and throat, extreme and unusual senstiivty to light, irritability in eyes, chapped lips
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Function•Vitamin B₃ (Niacin)
involved in enzyme action to release energy from carbohydrates, helps to synthesis fats in the body
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Requirement •Vitamin B₃ (Niacin)
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Sources•Vitamin B₃ (Niacin)
meat, poultry, fish, whole grain foods, peas, beans
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Deficiences •Vitamin B₃ (Niacin)
indigestion, fatigue, vomiting and depression
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Function B₉ (Folic acid)
to help make red blood cells and for immune system to work
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sources B₉ (Folic acid)
oranges, liver, leaf vegetables, peas, beans, nuts
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deficiences B₉ (Folic acid)
tiredness, irritability, loss of apperitite, megablastic anemia
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requirement B₉ (Folic acid)
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function Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
protect cells and maintence of cells, bones, teeth and ligaments. helps to build collagen (connective tissue), aids absorption of iron, helps to form adrenaline antioxidants
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sources •Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
citrus fruits, green vegetables
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requirements •Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
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deficiences Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
easy bruising, easy bleeding and joint and muscle pains, scurvy, swollen or bleeding gums, recurrent mouth ulcers
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Why is a balanced diet important?
prevent/fight diseases, reduce risk of chronic diseases, control weight, promote healthy body growth, promotes mental health, reduce risk of mental disorders, maintains cholestrol, energy, enhances memory, promotes fitness
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the main vitamins?


fat soluble A, D, E, K. Water soluble B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Folic acid), B12 (cobalamin) and C (Ascorbic acid).

Card 3


What are maronutrients?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the different forms of carbohydrates?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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