Differential achievement : Ethnicity

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  • Differential achievement: Ethnicity
    • Linguistic Deprivation
      • WILSON: identifies English as an additional language amongst Asian families but this also applies to Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi families.
        • Therefore EAL factor doesn't hold back children from Indian families. Black - Caribbean families tend to have English as their first language so this doesn't account for the EAL regarding their levels of achievement.
    • Cultural explanations
      • AFRICAN - CARIBBEAN high proportion of single parents so children are left without close supervision.
      • CHINESE (DRIVER & BALLORD) have high aspirations for their children despite having little education themselves.
      • PILKINGTONdoes accept that there are real cultural differences between ethnic groups which could effect achievement but he argues that cultural explanations should be treated with caution as there is a danger of ethnocentricism
    • Social Class
      • DREW: Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Black-Caribbean are likely to be working class.
    • Racism & Labelling
      • COARD: black children are made to feel inferior. Attitudes in the classroom are then reinforced in the playground. Leads to black children developing low self esteem.
      • GILLBORN ; copmprehensive schools intentionally penalised Black - Caribbean pupils because they were different.
      • Schools may be ethnocentric by; Uniforms being of western culture, not providing Halal meals, assemblies based on one religion, Holidays around the Christian calander.
    • Pupil subcultures
      • HEIDI SAFIA MIRZA: Black-Caribbean girls are normally ambitious and determined to succeed but they do not show this to the teachers as there is still some open racism and teachers sometimes give unhelpful "help" in response to their ethnicity
    • ETHNOCENTRISM: where a culture thinks that it is more superior to other cultures


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