
  • Created by: Strelly22
  • Created on: 01-06-19 20:12
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  • RS Revision
    • Day of Judgement
      • World comes to an end
      • Clue - Isa resurrects
      • Angels welcome good to heaven
      • Day where Allah decides who is worthy of punishment / reward
    • Angels
      • Exist to carry out the will of Allah
      • Eg
        • Jibra'il
          • Chief Angel
          • Brought Allah's message to Muhammad
      • Record everything for the Day of Judgemenr
      • How Allah communicates with human messengers
    • Shirk
      • Practising idoltary
      • Praying to more than 1 God, and not Allah
      • Unforgiveable
    • Imams
      • Shi'a
        • Successor of Muhammad
        • Believe Ali should have been 1st Caliph
        • So important to them belief in Imams is in their Usul ad-Dins
        • Says in the Hadith of Iman Ali
      • Sunni
        • Divided with Sunni's
        • Believe Abu Bakr should have been 1st Caliph
        • Majority = 85%
        • Says in the Bukhari Hadith
    • Prophethood and the Sunni Six Articles of Faith
      • Prophethood
        • Risalah
        • Messenger
        • Teach, guide and train
        • Human
        • Not to be worshipped
        • Give guidance on how to follow Allah
        • All equal
        • Sent to all nations to get to follow Allah
        • "They will not be wronged" Surah 10:47
      • Sunni 6 Articles of Faith
        • Belief in 6 Articles of Faith = Iman
        • Revealed by Allah
        • Upmost Importance
        • Disagree over leadership of faith
        • 1. Tawhid 2.Angels      3. Books         4. Rasul      5. Akhirah + Day of Judgement   6. Al'Qadr
        • "I believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Prophets, Day of Judgement, in life after death" Extended Shahadah


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