Debussy's - Prelude a l a'pres-midi d'un faune

  • Created by: Francisca
  • Created on: 29-03-13 11:03
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  • Debussy - Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un  faune
    • Form
      • Ternary form...
      • ...with coda
      • A1, A2, B, A
    • Texture
      • Monophonic (opening flute solo)
      • Contrapuntal (eg b. 74-78)
      • Tune and Accompaniment (homophonic)
    • Tonality
      • Key - often ambiguous
      • Begins and ends in E major
      • Middle section  in D flat
      • Sense of modality
      • Pentatonic phrases, use of whole tone scale
    • Harmony
      • Often chromatic - used for colour
      • Few formal cadences
      • Many enharmonic shifts creating juxtaposition
      • Many dominant 7ths, 9ths and some 13ths
      • Tritones often disrupt sense of key 9
    • Melody
      • Pentatonic phrases
      • Melodic ideas presented (b 28 - flutes) and (b 39 - oboe)
      • melody derived from the opening flute melody - constant variation
    • Rhythm
      • rhythm is fluid
      • Slow rhythm reflects the metre
    • Metre
      • Varied and fluid
      • Mostly triple time- alternates between compound and simple triple
      • Alternates to compound duple and compound quadruple
    • Other
      • Impressionism
      • Much of the piece is quiet
      • wind melody dominates - string uses divisi
      • Use of panpipes and antique bells


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