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    • Art
      • Michelangelo creation of Adam
        • creation of Adam was painted by Michelangelofor the ceiling of the Sistine chapel
          • The fact that God and Adam both look powerful reflects the teachings in Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image"
          • Adam is waiting for God's touch to bring him to life.
          • Adam is shown as the perfect man , full of strength  and potential. This reflects the teaching that God made everything "very good"(Genesis 1:31)
          • God is carried through the air by angels which shows that he is transcendent (beyond and outside life on earth and the universe.)
          • God looks much older than Adam showing he is ancient and eternal unlike humans
            • some Christians object to the fact that God is depicted as an old man as they think an eternal God should not be shown as ageing.
        • focuses on the act of God creating humanity so conveys more about the relationship between God and humanity
      • Mieres mosaic
        • the mosaic depicts a hand reaching down from a mass of clouds with lines coming out of it at four angles and a decorated circle enclosing the image
          • in the mosaic God's hand is large compared to the size of the clouds above it showing God's greatness and power.
          • lines extend from the edge of the circle (which depicts the edge of the universe) to the hand to show the idea that God created everything in the universe , and that his influence and  power touch all things.
        • Miere's mosaic is more abstract and conveys a greater sense that God is always creating everything, but shows less about God's relationship with humanity
    • what does Genesis 1 teach about the nature of God?
      • God as creator. God is the only creator showing that Christians should worship only God.
      • God is omnipotent         "God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good."   Genesis 1:31 God is powerful enough to do or change anything.
      • God is transcendent."then God said, "let there be light. and there was light". Genesis 1:3 . This shows that God is beyond human    understanding
    • what does  Genesis 2 teach us about the nature of God?
      • humans share the spirit of God. "...then the lord God formed man from the dust  of the ground , and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.
      • humans are given the gift of free will.     it describes how God made the garden of Eden for Adam to live in.
        • free will  doesn't mean that humans can do whatever they like without consequence,Christians believe that using free will to sin results in us turning away from him an this is why evil exists in the world
    • the sanctity of life
      • in Genesis 1 God blesses humans after he creates them
        • Catholics believe that all creation is holy because it has been created and blessed by God.
          • For Catholics belief in the sanctity of life means that every stage of life should be treated with care and respect. This is an important reason why catholics are against euthanasia.
    • Caring for the environment
      • all creation is special because it was made in God to be good. this means that every part of it should be treated with respect and value. in Genesis 1
      • God made humans stewards of the earth. This means humans have been given responsibility by God to look after the earth. In Genesis 2
      • Jesus  taught Christians to "love your neighbour as yourself"(Mark 12:31) For Christians the word neighbour includes all the people they share the world with. therefore, Christians are supposed to care for the earth they share with everyone on earth and not jeopardise the future quality of life of others by miss-treating the earth.
      • example of the church helping to protect the environment is that in 2008 the Vatican installed solar panel onto the roof of one of its main halls. these help to light and regulate the temperature of a number of buildings in the Vatican .
    • CAFOD
      • CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It aims to support people living in poverty, in order to create a more balanced and sustainable world.
      • Ways CAFOD support sustainability
        • helping to support government policies promoting sustainable lifestyles. (the Beyond campaign helped to support the creation of the UN Sustainable Development goals in 2015)
        • supporting or the setting up of projects that use renewable energy.
          • Encouraging people in England and Wales to live more simply and use fewer resources
        • helping farmers in developing countries to adopt sustainable, inexpensive and effective farming methods. (e.g the use of natural fertilisers)


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