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  • Conformity
    • 3 Types
      • Internalisation
        • going along with it because you actually agree with it
      • Compliance
        • going along with it because you want to avoid disapproval
      • Identification
        • going along with it because you agree because you want approval
    • Majority Influence
      • Asch (1951)
        • Lab experiment
        • Around 1/3 of participants conformed
        • Strengths
          • High Internal Validity - study without confederates
            • Easily Repliclible
          • Weakness
            • Anti-communist era - people afraid to be different
    • Explanations For Conformity
      • Normative Social Influence
        • Compliance
    • Social Impact Theory
      • Latané
        • Strength
          • Powerful person = More conformity
        • Number
          • More people = Higher conformity
        • Immediacy
          • More immediate = Higher conformity
    • Obedience
      • Milgram (1963)
        • Lab Experiment
          • Participant = teacher, confederate = learner
            • Teacher asks series of questions
              • If given wrong, shock given
                • Shocks increase 15V
        • All participants went to 300V
          • 65% went to 450V
        • Variations
          • Obedience decreased
            • Presence of victim
            • Presence of allies
        • Strengths
          • Easily replicable
          • Weaknesses
            • Socially Sensitive - inexcusable actions are because of situation not personality
              • Lack of Internal Validity - study is about trust, not obediance
                • Lack of Ecological Validity - tasks not given in day-to-day life
      • Explanations For Obedience
        • Agentic Shift
          • People easily go from autonomus to agentic
        • Role of Buffers
          • If there is a buffer, it is easier to obey
        • Gradual Commitment
          • Easy to commit when smaller commitment given
        • Monocausal Emphasis - other reasons - Nazi's is Anti-sematism
      • Resisting Social Influence
        • Resisting Obedience
          • Location - status of location
            • Proximity - if victim is near, obedience drops
        • Resisting Conformity
          • Non-Conformist Personality - personality where you don't follow social norms
            • Moral Considerations - if something is morally wrong, less likely to conform
              • Presence of an Ally - because not alone, more likely to conform
        • Individual Differences
          • Locus Of Control
            • High Internal - personal responsibility
            • High External - events happen due to external factors
          • Attributional Style
  • Given 3 lines + 1
    • Lab experiment
  • High Internal - personal responsibility


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