  • Created by: 10emrose
  • Created on: 02-11-15 12:07
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    • Types of conformity
      • Internalisation
        • When a person genuinely accepts the groups norms.
        • This results in a change of opinions/ behaviours both publicly and privately
      • Identification
        • Where we act a specific way to fit in with the group.
        • This means youchange our behaviours/ opinions in public, but privately  you don't agree with everything.
      • Compliance
        • This also means that as soon as you're away from that group or the behaviour stops, you'll stop to.
        • This involves going along with everyone in the group in public, but privately you completely disagree.
    • Explanations for conformity
      • Informational Social Influence (ISI)
        • This may lead to internalisation
        • With ISI, you agree with the majority because you believe that its likely to be correct
        • ISI is about whoever has the better information- you or the rest of the group.
        • ISI is used by a person in situations that are new to them, like moving schools or a job.
      • Nomative Social Influence (NSI)
        • NSI is about fitting in with the 'norm' or a typical behaviour.
        • People do not like to appear foolish so they try to blend in and attempt to gain social approval rather than be rejected.
        • NSI is an emotional state rather than a cognitive
        • NSI is most likely to occur in situationswith strangers when you're concerned about rejection.
    • Asch's Research (1951,1955)
      • Procedure
        • conformity was tested by showing participants 2 large white cards at a time
          • on 1 card was a 'standard line'  and on the other card there were 3 comparison lines
            • one of the lines is a standard line which was clearly the same lengthas the standard line, the other 2 were substantially diferent
              • The ppts were asked whichof the 3 lines matched the standard line.
                • the ppts in this sutdy were 123 American undergraduat-es
                  • Each naive ppt was tested indervidually witha group of between 6-8 cofedorates.
                    • The naive pptwas not aware that the others were confedorates
                      • on the first few trials all the confedorates gave the right answers, but then they started making deliberate mistakes
                        • The confedorates were instructed to make the same wrong answer.
                          • Altogether, each ppt took part in 18 trials and on 12 critical trials the cofedorates gave the wrong answer.
      • Findings
        • The naive ppt gave the wrong answer 36.8% of the time.
        • Overall, 25% of ppt did NOT conform on any trials
        • 75% conformed at least once.
        • The term Asch effect has been used to escribe the result - the extent to which ppt conform even when the situation is unambiguous.
        • In an interview afterwards the ppt said they conformed to avoid rejection (NSI)
      • Variations
        • Group Size
          • Asch wanted to know if the size would be more important than the agreement of the group.
          • with 3 confedorates conformity to the wrong answer rose to 31.8%
          • Additional confedoratesmmade little difference
        • Unaniminity
          • Asch wanted to know  if the presence of another, non-comforming person would affect the naive ppt conforimty.
          • the presence of  a dissenting confederate  ment that conformity was reduced by 1/4 from the level it was the majority was unimous.
          • the naive ppt behaved more independantly
        • Task Difficulty
          • Asch made the line jjudging task more difficult by making the stimulus line and the comparison lines more similar
          • conformity INCREASED when the task was more difficult
          • This suggests that ISI plays a greater role when the task becomes harder
  • Informational Social Influence (ISI)
    • This may lead to internalisation
    • With ISI, you agree with the majority because you believe that its likely to be correct
    • ISI is about whoever has the better information- you or the rest of the group.
    • ISI is used by a person in situations that are new to them, like moving schools or a job.


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