
  • Created by: annasaira
  • Created on: 03-10-17 18:22
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  • Conformity
    • Types of conformity
      • Compliance
        • Going along with others but privately disagreeing. Superficial. It stops as soon as the group is not present. i.e. the pressure has stopped.
      • Identification.
        • Publicly changing your opinion because of the group you are with. You change your opinion and behaviour as you value the group and want to be part of it.
      • Internalisation
        • Genuine acceptance of an idea. You agree with it privately and publicly. You maintain the same behaviours even when the group is absent.
    • Explanations for conformity.
      • Normative Social Influence. (NSI)
        • When you are part of a group and don't want to stand out. Therefore you agree with the group in order to fit in with the 'norm'.
          • Emotional
          • May lead to compliance
      • Informational Social Influence. (ISI)
        • About who has the correct information. People want to be right. Happens when there is ambiguity. You believe that there is a higher chance of others being right.You don't want to be wrong.
          • Cognitive
          • May lead to internalisation


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