Computer systems and mobile technologies 1

  • Created by: Rianne B
  • Created on: 31-10-13 15:25
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  • Computer systems and Mobile technologies
    • Hardware - physical parts of a PC. input, output, storage devices - mouse, printer, USB. communication devices needed to send data across networks.
    • Microprocessor - PC on a single chip. performs all processing needed. in washing machines, toys, heating, alarm, traffic lights, phones, cars, PC, robots, process control.
    • Software - programs run on hardware. operating systems and applications software. Windows, Mac OS, word, database, spreadsheet, presentation etc.
    • PC is used on desk, one place. full size screen and keyboard.
    • Laptops - portable. smaller than PC. lighter, built in screen.
    • Netbooks - smaller, lighter, cheaper than laptops, small hard drive, no cd/dvd drive, longer life.
    • Palmtops - small hand held PC. check emails, surf web, record things.
    • PDAs - Personal Digital Assistant. like a palmtop
    • WAP - wireless application protocol. mobile users access web
    • Smartphones - call, text, take photos, videos, surf web, watch tv, emails, download music + games, GPS.




Which mobile phone is better apple or Samsung? This is endless debate. Every mobile phone has its own features. in my perception the Samsung Galaxy has been a good mobile and users can visit website for reverse phone lookup. We all know that Apple is best for security but it can be hacked. But both are good in quality and service.

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