Cognitive explanations- Levels of moral development- A01

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 22-10-21 09:17
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  • Cognitive explanations- Levels of moral development
    • 1. Many studies have suggested that criminals tend to have a lower level of moral reasoning than non-criminals. 
    • 2. Criminal offenders are more likely to be classified as the pre-conventional level of Kohlberg’s model (stages 1 and 2), whereas non-criminals have generally progressed to the convectional level and beyond.
    • .3. The pre-conventional level is characterised by a need to avoid punishment and gain rewards.
    • 4. This assumption is supported by the study which suggests that offenders are often more egocentric and display poorer social perspective-taking skills than non-offender peers.
    • 5. Individuals who reason at higher levels tend to sympathise more with the rights of others and exhibit more conventional behaviours such as honesty, generosity, and non-violence


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