Classifications of Abilities

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  • Classification of abilities relating to movement skills
    • Characteristics of ability
      • Ability is the foundation for skill learning, A successful sportsperson must be born with a number of relevant abilities. Hence abilities are innate and underlying features of our constitution.
    • Genetic determination
      • We are born with our abilities. For example, some children can quickly pick up skills. Whereas other children take much longer and are less successful at any given skill.
    • Psychomotor ability
      • This is about processing information about how and when we move. For example, reaction time, a rugby player must react quickly to an oncoming player who changes direction.
    • Perceptual ability
      • This is the ability to sense and interpret sensory inputs or information. For example, the awareness of a rugby player of the positions and actions of players.
    • Abilities are enduring
      • Abilities are an enduring trait, we largely hold on to our abilities throughout our lives. For example, riding a bike.
    • Gross motor ability
      • This is an ability in which the performer is able to move using simple muscle movements such as being able to run or ride a bike.
    • General ability
      • This does not really exist -we have specific abilities.
    • Specific abilities
      • Skills require different abilities. For example, gymnastics involves balance, strength and flexibility, whereas badminton requires speed and hand eye coordination.
    • Group of abilities
      • A good sportsperson may have many different groups of abilities. For example, a good all round sportsman could have different specific abilities such as good hand eye coordination and balance which could be transferred into many sports.


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