PE - Skills and abilites

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  • Skills and abilites
    • Difference between motor and perceptual ablities
      • Your ability is the skills and qualities which make it possible for you to achieve a task.
      • Motor ability - ability to process information about how and when we move
        • E.g. reaction time - a rugby player must react quickly to oncoming player who changes direction
      • Perceptual ability -  ability to sense and interpret sensory inputs or information
        • E.g.  the awareness of a rugby player of the positions and actions of opponents
    • Skill
      • Skill - ''A learned ability to bring about the result you want, with maximum certainty and efficiency''
      • Characteristics
        • Co-ordinated
        • Controlled
        • Good technique
        • Aethetic
        • Learned
        • Consistent
        • Pre-determined
        • Efficient
    • Difference between skill and ability
      • Your ability is the skills and qualities which make it possible for you to achieve a task. These are stable and enduring characteristics which are genetic and can be either completely perceptual, completely motor or a combination (known as psychomotor).
      • A skill is the combined ability and knowledge which allow you to complete a task to a high standard. Skills are: learnt, Permanent changes in behaviour, aimed at achieving goals, Learning of the skill is demonstrated by changes in the consistency of performance, making it more efficient and successful
    • Types of skill
      • A psychomotor skill is a voluntary body movement with pre-determined end result e.g. hitting ball with bat
      • Fundamental psychomotor - basic skill learned when young e.g. jump
      • Perceptual skill - interpret info quickly at a given time and appropriate decisions e.g a goalkeeper in football
      • Cognitive skill - being able to make sense of problem and solve it.
      • affect perception
    • Classification of skill
      • Environmental influence - open and closed skills. Open - perceptual, no clear beginning and end, externally paced. e.g. receiving a pass in hockey. Closed - habitual, clear beginning and end, not affected by environment e.g. shot putt
      • Continuity - discrete, serial, continuous skills. Discrete - clear beginning and end e.g. hockey penalty. Serial - discrete elements linked together e.g. triple jump. Continuous - cannot be split up easily into subroutines e.g. hockey dribbling ball
      • Muscular involvement - gross and fine skills. Gross - use large muscle movements e.g. weight lifting. Fine - small muscle groups e.g. darts
      • Pacing - self paces and externally-paced skills. Self - the performer has control over movement e.g. serving in volleyball. Externally - the environment has more control e.g. blocking in volleyball


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