Children with disabilities

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  • Children with disabliities
    • Improvements in technology leading to improvements in treatments which in turn leads to increased life expectancy in children born with disabilities
    • Imrproved health surveillance programmes available such as availabilty of vaccination programmes.
    • Greater understanding and awareness of disabilities such as autistic spectrum disorder (AS) leading to improvements in disagnosis and thus increased the numbers of disabled children on record.
    • Advances in medicine- The disocery of new drugs meaning children can livee longer with disabilities such as systic fibrosis
    • Increased survival rates at brith linked to improvements in antenatal care - problems can be picked up while baby is in utero and so preventative action can be taken, e.g. baby delivered via caesaren section avoiding the trauma of natural dilvery which a baby with a disability might not have survived.
    • Imrpoved access to specialist care and services means children with disabilities are getting specialist care and expert support where needed and so are living longer as a result
    • Better knowledge and understanding of importance of positive lifestyle choices means children with disabilities, like all other groups in the population can benefit and so lieve longer
    • Improved standards of living, e.g. better nutrition and better housing conditions mean that children with disabilities who may be compromised have increase life expectancy
    • Women are delaying childbirth until later in life. This leads to an increased risk of Down Syndrome.


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