Cell signalling

  • Created by: Jasmin
  • Created on: 20-10-14 20:49
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  • Cell signalling
    • Is how cells communicate with each other. Cells need to communicate to control processes inside the body and to respond to changes in the environment
    • Cells communicate with each other using messenger molecules
      • 1) One cell releases a messenger molecule (e.g a hormone)
      • 2) This molecule traves to another cell (e.g. in the blood)
      • 3) The messenger molecule is detected by the cell because it binds to a receptor its cell surface membrane
    • Cell membrane is important in the cell signalling process
      • 1) Membrane-bound protens act as receptors for messenger molecules
      • 2) Receptor proteins have specifc shapes -only messenger molecule with a complementary shape can bind to them
      • 3) Different cells have different types of receptors -they respond to different messenger molecules
      • 4) A cel that responds to a particular messenger molecule is called a target cell.
    • Drugs also bind to cell membrane receptors
      • 1) Many drugs work by binding to receptors on cell surface membrane
      • 2)They either to trigger a response in the cell or lock the receptor and prevent it from working


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