Loyalty and Betrayal

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  • Loyalty and Betrayal
    • The loyalty between Duncan and his Kingsman
      • "There's no art to finding the mind's construction in the face. He was a gentlemen on whom I built an absolute trust."
        • exaggeration
          • Here it shows how loyal Duncan is because he trusts and helps people who he believes need helping.
        • Ironic
          • Duncan will be betrayed on an even larger level by the same thing
      • "the service and loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself."
        • personification
          • Loyalty is personified making it sound strong and making it sound like you will be rewarded more if you are loyal to the king
          • this is said by Macbeth showing that loyalty can easily turn into someone betraying you
      • "true, worthy Banquo. he is full so valiant and in his commendations I am fed. It is a banquet to me."
        • exaggeration/ dramatic irony
          • Macbeth has just told the audience he is willing to kill the King’s son in order to take the throne himself – however, the King is happily praising him, unaware of Macbeth’s plans that are full of betrayal
        • metaphor
          • You can live off being loyal to the king
    • Macbeths loyalty to Lady Macbeth
      • "he's here in double trust; first I am his kinsman and subject, strong both against the deed, then as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door not bear the knife."
        • exageration
          • he is saying at this moment in time he is meant to be the most loyal yet he is bringing him here to betray him.
        • Nouns
          • all the roles that Macbeth is given or offers to Duncan requires loyalty. This shows the amount of trust Duncan has for Macbeth
        • metaphor
          • here Macbeth is trying to close the door on the side of himself that is going to betray Duncan
      • "what beast was it then,  that made you break this enterprise to me?"
        • metaphor
          • Here Lady Macbeth is suggesting that the side of Macbeth that wants to betray Duncan is more powerful that the side that wants to  be loyal.
          • Here Lady Macbeth could be suggesting that Macbeth isn't human if he wants to betray Lady Macbeths trust and not kill Duncan
        • ironic
          • Lady Macbeth is trying to guilt trip Macbeth saying he is betraying her loyalty if he goes back on her deal. However if he does go forwards on the deal he will be breaking the biggest level of betrayal - regicide
        • rhetorical question
          • shows Lady Macbeths disbelief
      • "have plucked my ****** from its boneless gum and dashed the brains out, as I so sworn as you have done this."
        • emotive language
          • shows the commitment she has to Macbeth
          • kill her own baby for Macbeth
        • sibilance
          • shows aggressiveness that she speaks in to show her anger to his lack of loyalness
    • Macbeths betrayal to King Duncan
      • "for the gracious Duncan I have murdered; put rancors in the vessels of my peace."
        • adjective
          • even after he has killed him he speaks to him in a loyal manner
        • noun
          • he is living in bitterness due to the guilt from betrayal
        • metaphor
          • shows that betraying someone will lead to corruption
      • "I am one, my liege, whom the vile blows and buffets of the world have so incensed that I am reckless what I do to spite the world."
        • alliteration
          • violence in his language
        • metaphor
          • shows the back fire of his betrayal to the king
        • adjective "reckless"
          • shows how he now does not care about the consequences because he feels like he has already suffered. He thinks the world is against him and now wants to betray the world"


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