Carbon cycle & energy insecurity examples

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  • Carbon Cycle and Energy Security Examples
    • Impacts of climate change
      • Arctic sea ice
        • permafrost melted
        • temperature risen by 1-2 degrees
        • winter is now milder
        • animal mating & migration patterns disrupted
        • less albedo
        • sea level rise
    • Drought event
      • Amazonia
        • increasing temp, decreasing rainfall
        • organisms won't survive in new conditions
        • deforestation means no cloud factories
        • wildfires
    • Energy Security
      • USA
        • large consumers
        • lack of energy resources
        • increasing energy prices
        • many private companies
        • increasing demand
        • fracking
      • France
        • hydro electricity in La Rance estuary
        • mostly nuclear power
        • encouraging smart meters
        • 20% renewable
    • Russian gas to Europe
      • trans-siberian pipeline
      • oil & gas supplies
      • Gazprom
      • conflicts between Russia & Ukraine when Russia turned off the supply
    • Development of un conventional fossil fuels
      • Fracking USA
        • shale gas
        • harmful gases released
        • injecting liquid at high pressure
        • less CO2 than fossil fuels
        • produces jobs
      • Tar Sands Canada
        • Alberta
        • open cast mining
        • high pressure steam separates bitumen & sand
        • large amount of water needed
        • large scale deforestation
        • expensive
        • 20% of Canadian exports
    • Biofuels
      • Brazil
        • Ethanol
        • produced using sugarcane
        • don't carry as much energy as petrol
        • can be used in vehicles
        • deforestation to grow crops
        • carbon neutral
    • Changing energy mix
      • UK
        • relies on imported fossil fuels
        • little fracking
        • use of coal has decreased
        • 20% renewable used
        • energy consumption has declined


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