Beliefs about divorce

(Not sure of board just guessing)

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  • Beliefs about divorce
    • ALL JEWS believe divorce acceptable if they've fully proved that they've both tried to mend the marriage
    • "If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house" - Deuteronomy
      • Modern jewish laws involve mutual consent (Rabbis made  laws stricter so less divorce takes place)
    • Talmus says "God's alter weeps" when a couple get divorced
    • Couple have to go to dayanium to get divorced
      • apply 2 bet din & don't have to give reason
        • When get is handed to woman from husband, divorce takes effect
    • Woman can't remarry for 92  days to ensure she is not pregnant
  • Couple remain married until wife receives get - issue as many women become agunot (chained women)
    • Beliefs about divorce
      • ALL JEWS believe divorce acceptable if they've fully proved that they've both tried to mend the marriage
      • "If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house" - Deuteronomy
        • Modern jewish laws involve mutual consent (Rabbis made  laws stricter so less divorce takes place)
      • Talmus says "God's alter weeps" when a couple get divorced
      • Couple have to go to dayanium to get divorced
        • apply 2 bet din & don't have to give reason
          • When get is handed to woman from husband, divorce takes effect
      • Woman can't remarry for 92  days to ensure she is not pregnant
  • Any children she has are called mamzerim (bastards)
    • Couple remain married until wife receives get - issue as many women become agunot (chained women)


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