B1: balanced diets, metabolic rate, slimming products.

  • Created by: keely2000
  • Created on: 17-04-16 18:57
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  • Balanced diets!
    • Different food groups
      • Proteins
        • Growth, cell repair+replacement
      • Carbohydrates
        • Releases energy
      • Fibre
        • Keeps digestive system running smoothly
      • Various minerals and vitamins
        • General health
      • Fats
        • Stores and releases energy.
    • Malnourished
      • Unbalanced diet: over/under weight
        • Obesity
          • Type 2 diabetes
          • Some cancers
          • Heart disease
          • Arthritis
          • High blood pressure
          • Overeating + lack of exercise
        • Too much salt
          • Heart problems
          • High blood pressure
        • Lack of food
          • Slow growth (children)
          • Irregular periods
          • Low immune system
          • Deficiency disease
            • Lack of vitamins + minerals
            • Lack of vitamin C
              • Scurvy
    • Metabolic rate
      • "The rate that chemical reactions take place in the cells in your body"
      • Muscle:fat ratio
      • Gender (men = higher)
      • Exercise
      • Inherited
    • Slimming products
      • SQOL
        • Scientific study
        • Qualified person
        • Other studies
        • Large sample size


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