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  • Attachment
    • Attachment is important because...
      • They provide comfort and security to babies
        • This develops positive self-esteem and self-image
      • They lead to happier and healthier attachments and relationships in the future
      • Lack of attachment can lead to behavioural problems
    • Bowlby's theory
      • Separation Anxiety
        • An intense distress when separated from their mothers
          • This does not disappear even when fed by another carer
      • Biologically programmed to form an attachment
        • Because of this, infancy is a critical period for forming positive attachments
      • Attachment evolves from the caregiver providing care, comfort and safety
      • Critics of Bowlby
        • Rutler - he said that privation is more damaging to a child
          • This is when a child does not get the opportunity to form attachments with caregivers
            • This therefore means it cannot be innate if some people are unable to form them
    • Schaffer and Emerson
      • Schaffer and Emerson came up with the four stages that occur when forming attachments
      • Babies are more likely to form attachments with caregivers who respond well to their signals
      • They believed in quality of time not quantity of time
      • The stages
        • 0-3 months - most babies respond to any caregiver
        • 3 months-7 months - begin to distinguish between their main caregiver and other people
        • 7 months-9 months - one specific attachment, beginning of stranger anxiety and separation distress
        • 9 months+ - multiple attachments, gain of independence
    • Why might attachment not go smoothly?
      • Disability - some parents find it harder to attach to a baby with a disability.
      • Emotional Unavailability - could be from drug/alcohol abuse
      • Foster Care/Adoption - children in the care system may experience inconsistency between carers
      • Separation - due to illness or bereavement etc.
      • Prematurity - incubators mean no skin-to-skin contact
      • Post-natal Depression - may affect the mother's ability to interact and bond


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