
  • Created by: angie
  • Created on: 05-12-12 21:00
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  • agression
    • slt
      • vicarious or reinforced
      • deindividuation
        • anonymous
          • loss of personal responsibility
            • part of a crowd
        • part of a crowd
        • loss of individuality
        • dis - inhibited: dont think b4 we do
          • loss of personal responsibility
        • mullen -lynch mob analysis: more people= more violence
      • institutional
        • importation model - interpersonal + gang membership factors
        • status and power example abu graib
          • obedience to authority  when put under pressure- milgram
        • deprivation model - situational and loss of freedoms factors
          • frustration
      • evolutionary
        • adaptive response
        • jealousy
          • cuckoldry
          • mate retention
          • BUSS & SHACKELFORD - men punished if they suspected future infidelities than men who didnt suspect
          • Untitled
          • Takahashi et at- psychological basis
        • group display
          • xenophobia
          • threat
          • sport- football games and chants
          • warfar
        • infidelity
          • sexual cohersion
          • unoxricide
        • individual differences?
      • ida's
        • difficult to measure agression
        • not all aggressive people are in prisons and not all prisons hold aggressive poeple
        • animal studies
        • nature v's nurture
        • socially sensitive
        • deterministic  -biological approach
        • ethics of research - making some1 agressive
        • gender bias- men are centre in aggression (evo exp) and focus f most experiments
        • used in law courts
        • desirability bias in reporting
    • dis - inhibited: dont think b4 we do
      • Untitled


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