3.1.3 ICT Application software and systems

  • Created by: Bellaxox
  • Created on: 23-11-17 08:34
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  • 3.1.3
    • Application software
      • Output of application software
        • Letter
        • Graphs
        • Charts
        • Brochures
        • Greeting card
        • Reports
      • Software that can be used for
        • Sorting data
        • Searching for data
        • Mail merge data
        • Manipulating graphics
        • Presentations
    • Application systems
      • Wizard step by step production
        • Often in forms interface
        • Users is presented with questions or choice
        • Answers to questions are used to produce final product
        • Advantages
          • Easy for inexperienced people to use
          • Quick to create documents by answering questions
          • Consistency
        • Dis-advantages
          • Loss of originality
          • May not meet requirements
    • Style sheets
      • Defines styles to use
        • Font
        • Colour
        • Size
        • Borders
      • Advantages
        • House styles can be achieved
        • Consistency
        • Users don't waste time choosing fonts
        • Quick to select pre-defined styles rather than creating them each time
      • Dis-advantages
        • Have to be created previously
        • Loss creatvity
        • Often reliant on users
    • Templates
      • Pre-defined lay outs
        • Business cards
        • Newsletters
        • Envelopes
        • Certificates
      • Advantages
        • Speedy document creation
        • House style
        • No information
        • Novice users can produce complex documents
      • Dis-advantages
        • Originality can be lost
        • Requirements not always met
        • Custom templates have ti be created before
    • Macros
      • Actions performed in one go
      • Batch operation (done and used over and over again)
      • Used by
        • A button
        • Menu
      • Creating a macro
        • Setting start point
        • Performing action
        • Setting end point
      • Advantages
        • Repetitive tasks performed quickly
        • Complex tasks achievable
        • Software can be tailored
      • Dis-advantages
        • Macros need creating
        • Macros go wrong easily
        • Difficulty remembering short cut keys


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