2.4 the marketing mix pt1

  • Created by: hanfa
  • Created on: 18-12-20 21:44
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  • 2.4 the marketing mix is made up of the 4P's : product, price, promotion and place
    • place: physical and digital distribution:
      • physical distribution: movement of goods from producer to consumer.
        • channel 3: producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer: like baked beans
        • chanel 1: producer to consumer like farms.
        • channel 2: producer to retailer to consumer: like electronics
      • digital distribution: the consumer can download directly from the seller like music or Netflix. 24/7 availability and no extra costs required. but physical goods cant be distributed, its competitive and customers are sceptical about online
    • price: decisions made to make a profit, like how new a product is, the quality, the number/nature of competitors, the costs, customer knowledge etc.
      • pricing methods:
        • skimming: a high price is charged for a new better product to make a large profit then the price is reduced when the competitor starts to sell.
        • cost-plus pricing: cost is calculated and an amount of profit is added on to ensure a profit is always made,
        • promotional packaging: price is lowered to persuade customers to buy stock that remains, or if sales are slowing down.
        • competitor pricing: business looks at competitor prices before deciding, depending on the product the business bases it around theirs.
        • penetration: a low price is charged to persuade customers to try it, then the price increases when sales grow
    • promotion: to inform the customers about what is for sale and persuading them to buy the main 2 are point of sale and advertising.
      • point of sale promotions: a benefit the customer will receive when they purchase the product
        • price reductions: to sell off old stock  but this means the business will make less profit.
        • competitions: form of voucher or something  to enter a competition with buying the product.
        • loss leaders: some goods are sold at a loss to encourage customers to shop there
        • free samples: given to tempt people into buying a product.
      • advertising: giving the customer info about the product and persuading them to buy it.
        • television: often expensive but reaches a wide audience and advertisers know what crowd watches each channel.
        • websites: lots of information published to potential customers, but would cost lots to maintain.
        • print media: mostly local, targets a range, usually jobs but can easily get ignored,
        • radio: cheaper than TV  but products cant be seen only verbal.
        • social media: cheap method reaches large numbers of people but might not reach everyone like older crowds.
    • product: the business must design, invent or innovate so they make a product customers want to buy.
      • design: when a business plans what a product will look like and what it will do,
      • invention: when the business comes up with a new product or service
      • innovation: when a business improves a product which already exists.
      • the product life cycle refers to the 4 stages a product will go through
      • introduction: the product is new, sales are just beginning
      • growth: sales grow quickly
      • maturity: sales reach their peak
      • decline: sales begin to fall
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