Word classes: Verbs and adverbs

Are often know as ''doing words'' and can also refer to physical actions
1 of 10
What else can verbs be referred to ?? e.g.(Anticipate, think)
Mental actions
2 of 10
Verbs that are referred to physical actions are called ?
Dynamic verbs
3 of 10
Verbs which refer to states or condition ( e.g She felt happy) are called?
Stative verbs
4 of 10
In a clause or sentence is a single verb that expresses the main meaning
Main verbs
5 of 10
Sometimes known as ''helping verb'' are verbs that are placed in front of main verb '' I must have been thinking about something else''
Auxiliary verbs
6 of 10
Are only ever used in conjunctions with a main verb. Usually used to make a request more polite ''would''
Modal Auxiliaries
7 of 10
Type of verb that has an object, the object of the verb is the object of the action- the person or thing that something is being done to (He was whistling a Beatles song) ''Beatles
8 of 10
It doesn't have an object ( he was whistling) no object
9 of 10
Usually gives us more information about verbs. They describe verbs in rather the same way that adjectives describe nouns. Many ''??" are formed by adding -ly to the ends of adjectives
10 of 10

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Card 2


What else can verbs be referred to ?? e.g.(Anticipate, think)


Mental actions

Card 3


Verbs that are referred to physical actions are called ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Verbs which refer to states or condition ( e.g She felt happy) are called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In a clause or sentence is a single verb that expresses the main meaning


Preview of the front of card 5
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