Women's Rights Acts (Congress) (1)

  • Created by: Grace
  • Created on: 31-05-14 20:27
The Homestead Act (1862)....
...offered women an opportunity to own land
1 of 10
The Sheppard Towner Act (1921)...
...gave funds for maternity leave
2 of 10
The Comstock Laws (1873)...
...banned contraceptives
3 of 10
the 19th Amendment (1920)...
...gave women the Vote
4 of 10
the 18th Amendment (1919)...
...was Prohibition
5 of 10
The 21st Amendment (1933)...
...repealed Prohibition
6 of 10
The Social Security Act (1935)...
...gave women welfare benefits
7 of 10
The Aid to Dependant Children Act (1935)...
...helped women with families unable to work with no male head of household
8 of 10
The Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)...
...set new minimum wage levels
9 of 10
The Civil Rights Act (1964)...
...ruled that there was to be no sexual discrimination in employment
10 of 10

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Card 2


The Sheppard Towner Act (1921)...


...gave funds for maternity leave

Card 3


The Comstock Laws (1873)...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


the 19th Amendment (1920)...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


the 18th Amendment (1919)...


Preview of the front of card 5
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