WK 8 - Exploring Positive Psychology

What is "the acquisition of extraordinary skill in a specific area of expertise"?
1 of 15
Toby gets really low scores on intelligence tests but has an exceptional talent for playing the piano. What is Toby an example of?
A savant
2 of 15
What is not a component of deliberate practice?
3 of 15
In the Resonance Performance Model, what happens when obstacles occur?
The person revisits the dream
4 of 15
The ten year rule is NOT age dependent in what subject?
5 of 15
What does RPM stand for?
Resonance Performance Model
6 of 15
What are the stages make up the Resonance Performance Model?
The dream - preparation - obstacles - revisit the dream
7 of 15
Which is the "ten year rule"?
Takes at least 10 years of dedicated, consistent practice before a person can obtain excellence
8 of 15
There are two types of creativity. What type refers to the personal/psychological type of creativity?
Process creativity
9 of 15
There are two types of creativity. What type refers to the process of finding original/inventive solutions to problems?
Product creativity
10 of 15
What is the criteria for creativity?
All three
11 of 15
A confluence approach to creativity requires what?
Multiple factors in place for real creativity to occur
12 of 15
What type of thinking is used when there is a simple, correct answer to a question?
Convergent thinking
13 of 15
What type of thinking do we use when solving an abstract/new problem that has many possible answers, solutions, or outcomes?
Divergent thinking
14 of 15
Gardner (1993) found that geniuses were somewhat different to creative individuals. What did he find?
All three
15 of 15

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Card 2


Toby gets really low scores on intelligence tests but has an exceptional talent for playing the piano. What is Toby an example of?


A savant

Card 3


What is not a component of deliberate practice?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In the Resonance Performance Model, what happens when obstacles occur?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The ten year rule is NOT age dependent in what subject?


Preview of the front of card 5
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