BBM weeks 8-11

  • Created by: Olivia_M
  • Created on: 25-04-22 16:37
what are the four stages of creative problem solving
preparation, incubation, illumination and verification
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Preparation within Creative problems solving
The person will familiarise themselves with problem requirements
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Incubation within creative problem solving
where a problem is set aside and no effort is made to fix
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Illumination within creative problem solving
Restructuring of a problem to make the solution more understandable
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Verification within creative problem solving
Ideas generated within the illumination are actively explored
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What is the geneplore model
Consists of generative phases where preinventive forms are constructed and exploratory phases where the individual interprets preinventive forms in meaningful ways
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What is 'flow'
A positive mental state which helps intense focus on a skilled activity
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True or false: 37-minute old infants can track a representation of a face
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True of False: Face preference may even be demonstrated within the womb
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Gaze perception: Direct gaze can be classed as...
A threat signal in most non human animals but is seen as positive and communicative within humans
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Gaze perception: Object-directed gaze can...
Inform observer which objects the observer is paying attention to
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True or False: 2-month babies can discriminate between human faces and monkey faces however by 6 months we can distinguish between humans
False - this happens at 6 and 10 months
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Perceptual narrowing definition
Describes tuning of infant brain in their own environment
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Configural information processing
Spatial relationship between features or parts
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Holistic processing
Grouping things to fit a face template e.g. car headlights
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Thatcher effect
Inversion disrupts configural processing and makes the face appears grotesque when upright but not when inverted
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What areas of the brain are used for faces
Superior Temporal Sulcus (Face movement), Inferior occipital gyrus (early perception of facial features) and lateral fusiform gyrus (Invariant aspects of faces for the perception of unique identity)
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What is prosopagnosia
Inability to recognise faces without having a visual or intellectual inability
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What can cause prosopagnosia
Damage to the Inferior occipital gyrus or lateral fusiform gyrus
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Methods of studying perception
Neurophysiology, Single-cell recordings, Neuroimaging
Phenomenological(Introspection- describe what you perceive)
– Psychophysics
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What is psychophysics
Find laws that describe how physical signals map of psychological impressions
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What is the absolute threshold
The smallest amount of a stimulus required for an
observer to detect it, including Method of limits, adjustment
and constant stimuli
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What is the difference threshold
Just noticeable difference - Smallest difference between two stimuli that can be detected
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Name the 5 multi-sensory perception groups
Audio-visual, Audio-tactile, Audio-gustatory, Visuo-tactile, Visuo-proprioceptive
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What is the McGurk effect
visual input is influencing auditory percept for example When you close your eyes, auditory percept changes
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What is spatial ventriloquism
Demonstrates how the brain resolves intersensory conflict
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Give an example of visuogustatory interactions with wine tasters
Expert wine tasters are tricked into perceiving white wine as sweeter if pink colouring added
Non-expert wine tasters' percept did not change
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What is synaesthesia
the joining / merging of senses that arent normally together, can get different types
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What is Grapheme colour synaesthesia
Letters / Numbers are coloured
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What is Ordinal-linguistic personification
a type of synaesthesia where numbers have personalities
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What is lexical gustatory synaesthesia
Words evoke tastes
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What is Sequence-space synaesthesia
Months, numbers or letters occupy positions in a person's peripersonal pace (e.g. number lines)
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True or false: Around 20% of people report synesthesia
False - only 5% do
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Positive Reinforcement
Add pleasant stimulus to increase behaviour
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Positive Punishment
Add aversive stimulus to decrease behaviour
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Negative reinforcement
Remove aversive stimulus to increase behaviour
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Negative punishment
Remove pleasant stimulus to decrease behaviour
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Episodic memory
Experienced events
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Semantic memory
Knowledge and concept
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Procedural memory
Skills and actions
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Preparation within Creative problems solving


The person will familiarise themselves with problem requirements

Card 3


Incubation within creative problem solving


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Illumination within creative problem solving


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Verification within creative problem solving


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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