Why did China fall to communism?

  • Created by: HarryS02
  • Created on: 03-06-20 15:27
What were the main reasons for the fall of China to communism?
Truman's lack of support. Japanese invasion. Weakness of Jiang. Strengths of Mao and CCP.
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Why did Truman lack support for the GMD?
Truman knew only a full scale invasion would save them. Truman demobilised troops after defeating Japan. Containment in Europe was prioritised. US observers saw Jiang as a hopeless cause. BUT £450m + 50,000 marines, 1941 90% discount
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How did the Japanese invasion lead to China's fall to communism?
before invasion Jiang and GDM were doing well. Invasion lost Manchuria, lost troops, Jiang distracted, didn't work with Mao during invasion and therefore lost support
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How did Jiang lose middle class support?
Lost middle class as he went back on domestic policies, hyperinflation 6000x, repressive secret police
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How was Jiang weak?
Lost middle class support, weak army, bad strategy
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How did Jiang lose middle class support?
Went back on domestic policies, hyperinflation 6000x, repressive secret police force
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How was Jiang's army weak?
Lost hundreds of thousands, 70% desertion rates, men tied up at night, conscription-->lost peasant support, low morale-->surrendered Beijing without a fight
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How was Jiang's strategy poor?
authoritarian, never listened to able generals, Liu Fei was a spy, lost 500,000 men at Xuzhou
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What were the strengths of Mao and the CCP?
8 rules of conduct, better at mobilising population (used people for propaganda if they could fight), guerilla warfare. Knew which generals to trust EG tactics of Zhe De won at Xuzhou, democratic, listened, land reform
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Card 2


Why did Truman lack support for the GMD?


Truman knew only a full scale invasion would save them. Truman demobilised troops after defeating Japan. Containment in Europe was prioritised. US observers saw Jiang as a hopeless cause. BUT £450m + 50,000 marines, 1941 90% discount

Card 3


How did the Japanese invasion lead to China's fall to communism?


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Card 4


How did Jiang lose middle class support?


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Card 5


How was Jiang weak?


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