What was life in South Africa in 1948

Who were the orginal inhabitants of black south Africans?
San and Bushmen
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How many black south africans lived in South Africa?
8.5 million
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Number and percentage of British and Afrikaaners in South Africa?
60% and 1.6 million Africans, 40% and 1 million english speakers
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When did British colonists arrive at the cape?
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Where did coloureds and indians come from, and what were there numbers
They came as slaves from South east asia by the dutch and numbered 1.1 million
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Segregation and discrimination before 1948?
Britian did not require whites to share power with blacks, mps were most white, after 1930 women could votr
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When and where was Gold discovered, Johannesburg numbers?
In 1886 in the transvaal area, Johanessburg grew from nothing in 1886 to 100,000 in 1900 to almost a milly in 1948
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What was the biggest township before 1948
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How much percent of the land did white south africans own?
80 percent
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What did black people do in the farms as labour work?
Looked after livestock, ploughed the land, weeded fields
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What were reserves, who lived on them, what was it like?
It was the heartlands of the old African kingdoms, protected by the natives land act from people buying them.Black people were mostly christians and produced 50% of their food.
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When/What was the Anglo Boer war and what did Smuts do as a result
The anglo boer war was in 1899-1902 and Britian fought against Africakers republics to take control of the region. After union in 1910,. Smuts tried to unify the white the white population within British empire.
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Who was Smuts opposed by and what ddi he do
Hertzog founded the Afrikaner nation party in 1913 and won the election in 1924, and made gains for Afrikaners including billinguisam in NCS and teaching of Afrikans in schoools. However, the great depression undermined him that in 1934 he joined Smt
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Influence of Britain
South Africa was a self governing part of the British empire and people of British decent dominated mines and industries. British sports like rugby, football and cricket were popular across South Africa.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many black south africans lived in South Africa?


8.5 million

Card 3


Number and percentage of British and Afrikaaners in South Africa?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did British colonists arrive at the cape?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where did coloureds and indians come from, and what were there numbers


Preview of the front of card 5
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