What makes me, me? Identity and personal identity


1. The law of transitivity:

  • Necessarily, if x = y, then x = z
  • If x = y and y = z, then x still does not necessarily = z
  • Necessarily, if x = y and y = z, then x = z
  • X can equal Y without X equalling Z even if Y = Z
1 of 7

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2. Select the true statement about persistence conditions

  • The existence persistence conditions is heavily debated
  • The persistence conditions for different kinds of things are different
  • Persistence conditions can never be known
  • The persistence conditions for the people are the same as those for, for example, governments, sports teams, and physical objects

3. Why is “Two people are numerically identical iff one person can remember being the other” an incorrect statement?

  • Personal identity is arguably not a property and certainly not one in respect of which a person can change
  • If is misspelled
  • Two people, being two, are never numerically identical
  • The memory persistence condition is not necessary or sufficient

4. Why is “My identity has changed over the years; I am not the same person I used to be" an incorrect statement?

  • Personal identity is arguably not a property and certainly not one in respect of which a person can change
  • People are not capable of change
  • Despite your identity changing, you are still numerically the same person
  • Despite your identity changing, you are still qualitatively the same person

5. What is an objection to the memory condition for identity persistence?

  • We can remember being historical figures
  • The cells in our bodies are completely replace every 7 years
  • We don't remember our early childhoods
  • Our memories are unreliable


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