Other questions in this quiz

2. Class for orthoceras

  • Arthropoda
  • Animalia
  • Cephalopoda
  • Mollusca

3. what are hox genes (homeobox)

  • group of related genes that control the body plan of an embryo along the head-tail axis. They are the blueprint for the animal body plan of an embryo.
  • group of related genes that control the body plan of an embryo along the dorsal - ventral axis. They are the blueprint for the animal body plan of an embryo.

4. what may be the reason that animal diversification accelerated rapidly from 252 to 535 million years ago

  • Evolution of hox control genes
  • All anwers
  • Ecological relationship between species (more predators)
  • Enviromental changes created suitable enviroments (e.g oxygen)

5. when did the trilobites first make an appearance in the fossil record

  • 200 mya
  • 495 mya
  • 521 - 250 mya
  • 250 - 525 mya


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