- Large scale movements of air caused by differences in air pressure(caused by differences in temp. between equator and poles). - Winds move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure
1 of 9
Global atmospheric circulation loops (or cells)
- Winds are part of global atmospheric circulation loops (or cells). - The loops have warm rising air which creates low pressure belt,+cool falling air which creates a high pressure belt.
2 of 9
What happens at the equator?
- Sun warms earth. - Transfers heat to air above, causing it to rise. - Creates a low pressure belt with rising air, clouds and rain. - As the air rises, it cools and moves out to 30 degrees north+south of equator.
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What happens 30 degrees north and south of equator?
- Cool air sinks, creating high pressure belt with cloudless skies and very low rainfall.
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What happens on the ground 30 degrees north and south of equator?
- Cool air reaches ground's surface and moves as surface winds either back to equator or towards the poles.
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Surface winds blowing towards equator
- Called 'trade winds'. - Blow from SE in southern hemisphere and from the NE in northern hemisphere. - At equator, trade winds meet and are heated by sun, causing them to rise and form clouds.
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Surface winds blowing towards the poles
- Called 'westerlies'. - Blow from NW in southern hemisphere and from SW in northern hemisphere.
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What happens 60 degrees north and south of equator?
- Warmer surface winds meet colder air from the poles. - Warmer air is less dense than the cold air so it rises, creating low pressure. - Some of air moves back towards equator, the rest moves towards the poles.
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What happens at the poles?
- The cool air sinks, creating high pressure. - The high pressure is drawn back towards the equator as surface winds.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Global atmospheric circulation loops (or cells)


- Winds are part of global atmospheric circulation loops (or cells). - The loops have warm rising air which creates low pressure belt,+cool falling air which creates a high pressure belt.

Card 3


What happens at the equator?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens 30 degrees north and south of equator?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens on the ground 30 degrees north and south of equator?


Preview of the front of card 5
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