Vegetable Oils

  • Created by: Hope
  • Created on: 30-05-14 16:05
What are emulsifiers?
Food additives that prevent oil and water mixtures in food from seperating
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Where are vegetable oils found?
Seeds, nuts and some fruits
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How do we extract the vegetable oil?
The plant material is crushed to squeeze oil out, if its more diffiucult it can be dissolved in solvent once its dissolved solvent is removed by distillation and impurities are removed
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What is different about boilling with vegetable oils and water?
Vegetable oils have higher boiling points and so cook faster
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What are the qualities of saturated fats and oils?
They only have single bonds between carbon atoms, solid at room temp and are sometimes called vegetable fats
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What are the qualities of unsaturated fats and oils?
THey have double bonds between carbon atoms, liquid at room temp
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What is an emulsion?
When the oil and water dont mix together (spread out)
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What are the qualities of emulsions?
Thicker, (viscous), Better at coating things (stickier) Better texture
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What is the 'water loving' end of an emuslifier and what does it do?
Hydrophilic and it forms chemical bonds with water but not with oils
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What is the 'water hating' end of an emuslifier and what does it do?
Hydrophobic and it forms chemical bonds with oil but not with water
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How can we use bromine water to test for double carbon-carbon bonds?
Bromine water becomes colourless when shaken with unsaturated vegetable oil but stays brown when shaken with a saturated vegetable fat
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How can we make unsaturated fats into saturated fats?
Using hydrogenation, the vegetable oil is reacted with hydrogen and a nickel cataylst is used to speed up reaction, double bonds are converted to single bonds
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where are vegetable oils found?


Seeds, nuts and some fruits

Card 3


How do we extract the vegetable oil?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is different about boilling with vegetable oils and water?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the qualities of saturated fats and oils?


Preview of the front of card 5
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