Variety of Life- Variety and Classification

  • Created by: Beth
  • Created on: 19-05-13 10:49
Scientists CLASSIFY living things into groups. What are the 3 main groups?
PLANTS- Flowering and Non-flowering, ANIMALS- Vertabrates and Non-vertabrates, MICROORGANISMS- Bacteria, Fungi and Algae.
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What do scientists use to group living things?
Morphological Features and DNA.
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Scientists can tell how closely related organisms are by looking at their what?
DNA, this is called DNA Hybridisation.
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All organisms have 2 sorts of names. What are they?
Scientific names and Common/ non-scientific names.
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5 Kingdoms-
Bacteria, Single celled organisms, Animals, Plants and Fungi.
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3 Domains-
Ancient bacteria, Bacteria and all organisms with a nucleus
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Card 2


What do scientists use to group living things?


Morphological Features and DNA.

Card 3


Scientists can tell how closely related organisms are by looking at their what?


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Card 4


All organisms have 2 sorts of names. What are they?


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Card 5


5 Kingdoms-


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