
  • Created by: exam yes
  • Created on: 14-05-19 18:48
What are the five factors that conservationists need to understand when working with people for Conservation?
Ethics, Attitudes, Values, Needs and Ideology
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Why is it important to appreciate other peoples backgrounds and values for conservation work?
It is crucial for bringing about / encouraging behaviour change and gaining the public's trust and respect (especially if you're a big charity/organisation
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What is the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic value?
Intrinsic value is about internal appreciation and the feelings you experience about something 'inside' , there is nothing gained physically...Whereas, extrinsic value is value towards something e.g. money or a useful object
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What is Instrumental Value?
You find value in the end result of something and if you gained anything / it was of use to you... E.G. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
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What is the difference between subjective and objective value?
Subjective depends on the person and so differs depending on their perception/opinion of what is being valued, whereas Objective value is where it is known something has high value e.g. Gold
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What is Baby Schema?
B.Schema - value and care for something is based off desirable features of large eyes, round face and generally looking cute and cuddly... (leads people to care about those animals more and feel negative towards others...MORE)
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What are the three pillars of sustainable development?
Social , Economic and Environmental
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What does TEEB stand for?
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
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What is the TEEB approach ?
To highlight the use of ecosystem systems which environment and biodiversity provides humans.Do this by focusing on value each 'thing' has to us + using economic evaluation approaches to make sustainable decisions on use of these ecosystem services
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In terms of working in a foreign country, what implications are there to be aware of ?
If doing work n ana area with people of different cultures then there are ethical and human well being implications to be aware of... Usually, conservation research methods need to be adapted depending on the country you'e in
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What are ethnotaxonomies ?
Where different classification systems and names for species have developed all over the world. Different systems are used by different ethnic groups... a common example is where local people in a foreign country have there own names for species
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How might a positive perception on certain wildlife species be beneficial to conservation?
Makes it easier to conserve those species (incentive) or conservationists can use them as FLAGSHIPS to raise money or pass a message with targets peoples emotion
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How might negative perceptions of wildlife hinder conservation efforts? (2 points)
1)Drive people to want to exterminate certain species, e.g. vermin/those that affect peoples livelihoode.g. badgers+cattle..2)Cause conservationists+organisations to neglect types of organisms which aren't necessarily cared for/due to taxonomic biast
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What is a positive in using negative messages in conservation to taregt peoples emotion
This is usually primarily to for conservationists and organisations to raise money and so the public will feel guilty/pity towards the animals involved in the message and maybe feel inclined to donate
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What are the three disadvantages of using negative messages to target peoples emotion?
1) People may feel useless when negative messages is all they see, this can lead people to lose hope and maybe stop donating 2) Positive messages would inspire new conservationists/scientists 3)positive Intel would let people know change is happening
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What two examples can be used to explain how conservationists use emotion?
1) WWF logo - baby schema, encourage people to donate and capture peoples hearts. 2) Living planet report WWF - drastic headlines/statements to shock the public and encourage behaviour change (this is miss leading-not 60% of all species gone)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is it important to appreciate other peoples backgrounds and values for conservation work?


It is crucial for bringing about / encouraging behaviour change and gaining the public's trust and respect (especially if you're a big charity/organisation

Card 3


What is the difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic value?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Instrumental Value?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the difference between subjective and objective value?


Preview of the front of card 5
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