Vaccines, Antibodies and Immune System Quiz

Quiz where you can test your knowledge of these Biology Unit 1 Topics! All answers are researched to make sure that they are accurate.

  • Created by: alice
  • Created on: 22-05-10 11:43

1. Pathogens are any organism that causes disease.

  • True
  • False
1 of 12

Other questions in this quiz

2. The three main types of Pathogen: Bacteria, Viruses and....

  • ... Toxins
  • ... Mutated Cells
  • ... Fungi
  • ... Tapeworms

3. Heavy smokers can never decrease their chances of getting lung cancer, even if they quit.

  • False
  • True

4. Nostrils, eyes, and a wound are all...

  • ...things which are alive
  • ...things which can bleed sometimes
  • ...interfaces that pathogens can enter through
  • of the body

5. What lines the epithelium of the lungs?

  • Antigens
  • Dying Cells
  • Mucus
  • Pathogens
  • Alveoli


Natasha Naeem


Really useful. I got 100%

javeria bibi


really useful but dont understand how eyes is an "interface that pathogens can enter through"



Thanks I got 11 and I'm in year 10.



for the first question, it should be pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease and NOT ANY organism

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